I have been drawing everyday for more years than I can count. I have sketchbooks in my purse, by the couch, on my night table, and in my studio. When I travel I take my sketchbooks and art supplies, so I don't miss a day of creating. However, upon embarking on the "100 Portraits !00 Days" project, I came to the realization that I was not really drawing everyday.
I wasn't committed to my practice, I wasn't really seeing my art. I realized that i've been jumping around from project to project and not really knowing if I was on the right creative path. But, for the moment I know what to do, when to show up and what I want to create. For me this is everything . It is keeping me honest with myself and my creative practice.
I now block off the same time everyday to draw, and what I'm discovering is that with each passing day, I sit down with less and less resistance. I just begin. And I love that this is happening.